Independent and statutory auditing services
Assessment of internal control
Independent financial auditing
Statutory auditing
Assessment of internal control
Independent financial auditing
Statutory auditing
Legislative assistance
National and international tax law
Accounting supervision
Fortification of the management structure and processes
Implementation of management information systems
Corporate financial analysis
Set-up assistance
Payroll optimization
Contract Analysis
Establishment assistance
Opportunity assessment
Information technology master plan
Rearrangement of the organizational structures
Our vision is highly operational and derives from proven methodologies. Our approach is based on the principle of Deming’s wheel.
Our mission is to guide the advancement of your business in Mauritania and abroad by defining operational strategies adapted to your specific needs.
MKDG boasts a team comprised of top-end consultants who are experts in all corporate strategic fields, ranging from organizational matters to the streamlining of your informatics systems.
Our partners represent an international network of highly competent experts who are at your service.
unites international expertise and customer-centered service.
Auditing, accounting and fiscal assistance, economic and financial consulting,
and information systems.
Contact us !